Great Spot for Fabric: Nippori

Last weekend I went over to Nippori to do a little fabric shopping. I never leave Fabric Town empty-handed and this time was no exception. The line of people on the sidewalk over at one of the Tomato shops caught my attention, so I popped in and found bolt after bolt of fabric for 100 yen a meter (the fabrics pictured were around ¥600 a meter). I don't know if they do this kind of sale everyday. I didn't ask questions, just grabbed as many bolts as I could carry and ran to the line at the cutting board. If you're looking for great prints in little sample packs, Tsukiyasu (on the right side of the street if you're heading from Nippori station) is your shop. If you decide to head down there, you can click here for an English map of the textile district. After shopping you can stroll along the streets on the other side of Nippori station and admire the beautiful shrines and temples.
(photos by me)