100 Yen DIY: Jewelry Storage

Image via Natural Life
Here's a really cute DIY idea from a Japanese magazine called Natural Life. You can visit the site to see more how-to pictures. Yes, it's in Japanese, but the pictures say it all. 

I don't know why I never thought of this. I've got a glue gun and thumb tacks. The 100 yen store sells corkboards. This would be a really cheap DIY.

And easy, too. Think I'll try this out because I always throw my necklaces in a box and they get all kinked. 

I hope you'll stop by later this week for another DIY project I'm going to try out. 

(Photos via Natural Life)


fatim said…
hi Vanessa, Thanks for telling about the magazine Natural Life* ^_^ Love the idea as well...

* But problem arise...I can't read Nihon-Go..:/
I love the natural colors and elements. I can also see how adding a hit of color would make it pop even more.
Vanessa said…
sure Fatim. i always find it fun looking at magazines even if they're in a foreign language. glad you do too.
Vanessa said…
hi Clara. absolutely, i think i'll try covering the board with some pretty fabric. or maybe even paint the shells in a bright color.

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