My New Painting Project

I'm really on a painting kick right now. While I have a decent amount of experience painting pictures and walls, furniture is a whole new world for me. I started with the Ikea shelves and now I'm on to the Ikea chairs. If I could correct one decorating mistake it would be to not have run out to Ikea and bought ALL our furniture in one day. I mean we do have our unique pieces here and there, but our dining room is practically an Ikea showroom.

So in an attempt to personalize our dining room a little more, I'm in the process of a makeover on the cheap. And I mean REALLY cheap. Like, no more than ¥3000 (about $30) total. We'll see how far I get with that. 

So far, my dark shelving unit and black chairs are now white. I started out painting the chairs with a can of spray paint. Silly me, I thought I could use 1 can for 4 chairs, but it was more like 1 can per chair, so thanks to budget constraints, a can of "milky white" from Tokyu Hands was used. After a light sanding, I went to town with my paint brush. It took way longer than using spray paint, but I actually enjoyed the process. Plus, my hubby got in on the action and we made an afternoon of painting which was fun. 

This is the pricey spray paint I started out with. I like how it's called "Creative Life Spray." Like, if you spray some on your pulse points you'll start channeling Leonardo da Vinci or something.

I really wanted to paint one of the chairs in flamingo pink, but the paint color ranges at Tokyu are somewhat limited. One of these days I'll make it across town to Shinjuku and see if Sekaido art supply store has a better selection. 

In the meantime, I'm sticking with a sort of alpaca white. Sorry, we went to the zoo again and I had to sneak in some cute animal pictures. 

Now I'm off to play with the kids, come up with a Halloween costume for my almost-2-year old and finally finish another DIY project I have going on. Have a wonderful Monday. And if you have any furniture painting tips you'd like to share, I'd LOVE to read your comments. Or at least direct me to your blog : )


fatim said…
Hahaha ~~~
I really wish I have one ("Creative Life Spray") in my house. This kind of spray may up to RM45 in Malaysia becasue of the specialties...Love the animal pic too! (^_^)
Vanessa said…
Thanks Fatim. I'm wondering about the paint color selection in Malaysia. Do you have a lot of choices? In the US there are so many colors it's ridiculous, but in Japan it's much different. Even the big home improvement centers don't carry so much.
fatim said…
Well in Malaysia there are not so many choices of color you can make. There might like 5-7 color and its was all like...not really the one that you will find in Japan. The Color look 'pale' too :(
Vanessa said…
Interesting. I guess if someone was really into painting they could try mixing colors together.

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