How happy was I when I opened the front door to find this adorable package from Japan! And I knew it was from Japan before I even looked at the shipping label, because where else would such a cute package come from?
The kind sender was my sister-in-law who picked out the most adorable little case full of hiragana stamps, washi tapes and other goodies.
She told me that she reads my blog everyday!
I guess that's how she knew that I can't get enough of these tapes!
One can never have enough washi tape. That's my motto.
I'm studying her card-making technique. She made this really cool pop-up card with a picture of her sweet son (my youngest nephew).
What a fun surprise! Now I can practice my Japanese AND have fun stamping everything in sight!
Please enjoy playing stamp.tape.i want to study english so i want to read your blog everyday.
See you!