Jump For Spring!
It's over 70 degrees (21 C) and sunny in Milwaukee today! This is the first day in months we've been able to go outside without layers. As you can see, there was a lot of jumping...
running ... standing...
looking through fences...
reminders that I need to plant some tall stuff around the ugly compressor...
a little pouting...
a pensive gaze or two...
a little silliness ...
... and a lot of fun.
As a bonus, I was pleasantly surprised to see my crocus come up. I thought these were supposed to be blue, though. This means my garden will be blue and gold. Three cheers for my HS alma mater. I'm just glad anything popped up at all. This was my first try at planting bulbs outside (I've done paperwhites indoors). I was afraid that the harsh Wisconsin winter might kill the bulbs, especially since I didn't add a thick layer of mulch on top. Turns out the winter was pretty mild, but the real test will be the anemones. If those bloom, I'll be feeling pretty good about my little garden.