Kid Friendly Accessorizing
In need of some pretty, but unbreakable accessories for the console/TV stand/bookshelf in the living room.
These twine balls would be hard to damage, but also very tempting for the cat.
Old letterpress blocks are pretty and pretty indestructible.
One way sure-fire way to get the kids to stop playing with my decor is to decorate with toys, like this wooden camera. It seems they only want what's off limits.
Wire baskets like this one are my weakness and I could use something to put the twine balls in, too!
How cute would this colorful stack of old kids' books be to add some pizazz.
Now I'm going to go search the house to see how much of this stuff I already have and get started : )
I almost forgot the most important part... Super Glue to stick it all to the furniture so it stays put!
Now I'm going to go search the house to see how much of this stuff I already have and get started : )