Roman Shade #11

It turned out to be a productive weekend. This shade was a little tricky to install because the window is above the stairs and not easy to reach.

Not only that, but while I had the shade draped over the stair rail, the cat chewed off all the cords. Thanks a lot, Basil.

After re-stringing it and enlisting the help of Mr. T, we got this thing up.

By the way, this window is south-facing and lets in a lot of light, which you may not realize because my photos make the hall look pretty dark.
I've been using cord cleats like that one above, instead of cord lock pulleys with the last few shades I've made. I thought it might be a pain to wrap the cord around, but it's not at all. I like having something to wrap all that long cord around too, so it's out of reach from the kids.

Click here to read about how I made my very first shade, a top down/bottom upper, and to find out where I bought my hardware. 

That's it for now. 

Happy Monday to you all!


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