Getting Fabric On Ball Ornaments
Every Christmas I come up with a new idea about how I want to decorate the tree. This year I'm thinking lots of cozy reds, plaids, flannels and twine. Instead of buying new ornaments, I'm going to work with what I have and cover some ball ornaments with festive fabric.
Below are the supplies I used: decoupage glue sealer, scissors, a ball ornament and foam pouncer.
First, I cut enough fabric to wrap around the ornament and overlap just a tad, about a 1/4-inch. Then I cut the length so that it was long enough to over the top and bottom of the ball.
Next, I covered the middle of the ornament with decoupage glue and then stuck the fabric back on the ball.
Then I cut fringe on the top and bottom. I cut each strip of fringe to a pointed tip. This will keep the fabric from bulking up when you go to adhere it around the ball. You may find it easier to do the fringe cutting before you put in on the ball.
Start with the first piece of fringe and press it down (make sure there's glue underneath). Press the next strip down so that it slightly overlaps the first and smooth down with your finger. Work your way around the ornament and repeat on the bottom.
When all the fringe is layed down, go over the entire ball with more decoupage glue. Hang to dry.
If you're feeling like your ornaments could use a little makeover, go ahead and give this a try.
I have a bunch more of these to do, so I'd better get cracking!