Frames Are Up

 The Ikea frames I bought on my last trip to Chicago are up. The only thing missing? If you get a little closer you can see.
 There's no art in there. I figured at least I should get them up on the wall instead of leaving them laying around. This little grouping of four frames will probably be filled with some of my own prints. I've been trying some more intricately carved blocks and some multi color ones as well. I got a little frustrated a while back and took a break from carving, but now I'm back at it and should have some new prints in the shop soon. 
The large frame over here did get filled with the linocut we bought at a summer art festival. 
 Because these frames are in high traffic areas and may get bumped occasionally, I placed some small pieces of mounting putty (this kind to be exact) on the corners. Of course, I used screws to hang the frames, too. The putty just keeps them in place so they don't get knocked around if someone should bump into them.

I love that we're past the labor-intensive tile work and onto easier stuff like hanging frames. 


Anonymous said…
So happy to hear you're working on more prints for your shop. They're terrific!

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